Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Years ppl!

Happy New Years people! I hope you all had a great holiday this '08. It's time to look a head and forget the past....better yet not forget but just don't let the bad hinder your current and future moves.

As for me, my holiday? Well it was wack, and ill just leave it at that,

I'm abt to get back in the studio to work on the PreKill EP. 9 song project. I plan on going hard and the, T.I.'s, Jay-Z's, Kanye's and T-Wayne's are my comp, not any local emcee's. I'm setting my standards high. I do this for my loved ones. This is my hustle, and this hustle shall be a stepping stone for more and better success for my family and I.

So this shall be a happy new year, as I ask God to take away the bad and replace it with the grace and riches of the Lord. The bad in my life is addicting and I know I should pull away but I'm caught up...or either I need the strength to balance it out and let the Lord guide me. That's what it all comes down at the end of the day.

"So Lord I ask of you to guide me thru this new year, and I thank you for the good and the bad that I've had in my life. Now I'm ready for change, amen"

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